Red Huang

Red Huang

Install Scrapy using Python3 in the Windows environment.

Due to the difficulties encountered in installing Scrapy under Windows with python3, I have written about the challenges I faced in a blog to help others and myself.

Of course, it is also because Scrapy now supports python3.
This is the official website of Scrapy

System Environment

There are some prerequisites to handle before installing Scrapy.



    • Download the lxml version that matches your version
    • Below is an example based on my current environment
    pip3 install lxml-3.6.0-cp35-cp35m-win32.whl
  2. 220/

    • Download the exe file that matches your environment
    • Below is an example based on my current environment
    easy_install pywin32-220.win32-py3.5.exe

Once everything is ready, you can start installing Scrapy.

  • Only Scrapy versions 1.1 and above support python3
pip install scrapy
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