Red Huang

Red Huang

Codeforces Round #209 (Div. 2) D. Pair of Numbers

This official solution says to use ST+GCD.

Unfortunately, I'm not very good at using ST to solve this problem.

After looking at the standings, I found that someone solved this problem using a similar Greedy approach.

They directly search for the left and right sides of each point to see how far they can reach.

Then, they enumerate the next point, and the enumeration can be sped up.

The distance from the right side of the previous point i represents that all numbers between i and r can be divided by i.

So, there is no need to enumerate between i and r because their factors can be enumerated further.

Assuming 4 12 8 2,

if the previous point is enumerated starting from 4, then the next point can start from 2

because it can be guaranteed that, 12 and 8 will not run farther than 4 in both directions.

//        GGGGGGGGGGGGG        CCCCCCCCCCCCC               AAA  
//     GGG::::::::::::G     CCC::::::::::::C              A:::A  
//   GG:::::::::::::::G   CC:::::::::::::::C             A:::::A  
//  G:::::GGGGGGGG::::G  C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C            A:::::::A  
// G:::::G       GGGGGG C:::::C       CCCCCC           A:::::::::A  
//G:::::G              C:::::C                        A:::::A:::::A  
//G:::::G              C:::::C                       A:::::A A:::::A  
//G:::::G    GGGGGGGGGGC:::::C                      A:::::A   A:::::A  
//G:::::G    G::::::::GC:::::C                     A:::::A     A:::::A  
//G:::::G    GGGGG::::GC:::::C                    A:::::AAAAAAAAA:::::A  
//G:::::G        G::::GC:::::C                   A:::::::::::::::::::::A  
// G:::::G       G::::G C:::::C       CCCCCC    A:::::AAAAAAAAAAAAA:::::A  
//  G:::::GGGGGGGG::::G  C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C   A:::::A             A:::::A  
//   GG:::::::::::::::G   CC:::::::::::::::C  A:::::A               A:::::A  
//     GGG::::::GGG:::G     CCC::::::::::::C A:::::A                 A:::::A  
//        GGGGGG   GGGG        CCCCCCCCCCCCCAAAAAAA                   AAAAAAA  
#include <iostream>  
#include <cstdio>  
#include <cstring>  
#include <algorithm>  
#include <cmath>  
#include <climits>  
#include <vector>  
#include <set>  
#include <map>  
#include <queue>  
#include <cctype>  
#include <utility>  
#include <ctime>  
using namespace std;  
#ifdef DEBUG  
#define VAR(a,b) \_\_typeof(b) a=(b)  
#define debug(...) printf("DEBUG: "),printf(\_\_VA\_ARGS\_\_)  
#define gettime() end\_time=clock();printf("now running time is %.7f\\n",(float)(end\_time - start\_time)/CLOCKS\_PER\_SEC);  
#define VAR(a,b) \_\_typeof(b) a=(b)  
#define debug(...)  
#define gettime()  
typedef unsigned int uint;  
typedef long long int Int;  
typedef unsigned long long int UInt;  
#define Set(a,s) memset(a,s,sizeof(a))  
#define Write(w) freopen(w,"w",stdout)  
#define Read(r) freopen(r,"r",stdin)  
#define Pln() printf("\\n")  
#define I\_de(x,n)for(int i=0;i<n;i++)printf("%d ",x\[i\]);Pln()  
#define De(x)printf(#x"%d\\n",x)  
#define For(i,x)for(int i=0;i<x;i++)  
#define CON(x,y) x##y  
#define Pmz(dp,nx,ny)for(int hty=0;hty<ny;hty++){for(int htx=0;htx<nx;htx++){\\  
    printf("%d ",dp\[htx\]\[hty\]);}Pln();}  
#define M 300005  
#define PII pair<int,int\>  
#define PB push\_back  
#define oo INT\_MAX  
#define Set\_oo 0x3f  
#define FOR(a,b) for(VAR(a,(b).begin());a!=(b).end();++a)  
#define eps 1e-6  
#define X first  
#define Y second  
clock\_t start\_time=clock(), end\_time;  
bool xdy(double x,double y){return x>y+eps;}  
bool xddy(double x,double y){return x>y-eps;}  
bool xcy(double x,double y){return x<y-eps;}  
bool xcdy(double x,double y){return x<y+eps;}  
int min3(int x,int y,int z){  
    int tmp=min(x,y);  
    return min(tmp,z);  
int max3(int x,int y,int z){  
    int tmp=max(x,y);  
    return max(tmp,z);  
int n;  
int x\[M\];  
int main() {  
        vector<int\> ans;  
        int maxx=-1;  
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++)scanf("%d",&x\[i\]);  
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){  
            int l=i,r=i;  
//            debug("%d %d %d\\n",i,l,r);  
            }else if(r-l==maxx){  
        printf("%d %d\\n",ans.size(),maxx);  
        FOR(it,ans)printf("%d ",\*it);  

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