Red Huang

Red Huang

uva 709

dp[i] represents the minimum badness when a line ends with the i-th word.

dp[i] = min{dp[i-1]+500,dp[j]+badness  


So dp[i] can be considered as the first word of the next line, or it can be appended to the previous word.

If it is considered as the start of the next line, then dp[i-1] is the badness of the previous line + 500.

If it is appended to the previous word, then dp[i+1] to dp[j] form a line, like:

this___________  <=dp[1]  500
this__________is  <=dp[2]
this___is____best   <=dp[3]

Then compare dp[2] with dp[1]:

is____________    dp[2]

is_____best____   dp[3]

best___________  dp[3]

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//     GGG::::::::::::G     CCC::::::::::::C              A:::A  
//   GG:::::::::::::::G   CC:::::::::::::::C             A:::::A  
//  G:::::GGGGGGGG::::G  C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C            A:::::::A  
// G:::::G       GGGGGG C:::::C       CCCCCC           A:::::::::A  
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//G:::::G    GGGGG::::GC:::::C                    A:::::AAAAAAAAA:::::A  
//G:::::G        G::::GC:::::C                   A:::::::::::::::::::::A  
// G:::::G       G::::G C:::::C       CCCCCC    A:::::AAAAAAAAAAAAA:::::A  
//  G:::::GGGG
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