Vue 3.0 reactive, computed 原始碼分析 #
此文件大量使用了程式碼,請善用 搜尋 (Ctrl+F) 來 trace 整段 code
在 Vue 3.0,computed 寫法也有所改變,寫法可以參考 Composition API,裡面提供的例子如下
const state = reactive({
count: 0,
double: computed(() => state.count * 2)
讓我們用 Test Case 來看看 computed 可以做什麼事情#
computed 可以傳入一個 function,function 裡面的值只要有改變,或是被給值,就會更新 computed 的回傳值中的 value。
以下面的例子來說,可以發現 computed(() => value.foo)
裡面用到了 value.foo
,所以當 value.foo = 1
中的 value
it('should return updated value', () => {
const value = reactive<{ foo?: number }>({})
const cValue = computed(() => value.foo)
value.foo = 1
知道了 computed 的功能之後,讓我們來追一下原始碼是怎麼讓 computed 更新的,還有其中的奧妙之處。
首先我們直接看進去 computed 這個 function 的實作。以原先的 Test Case 來說,可以直接看到傳入的方法符合 getterOrOptions: (() => T) | WritableComputedOptions<T>
這個 type,所以也就沒有 setter function
,接下來就是第 23 行,宣告了一個 effect
,注意此時是 lazy: true
export function computed<T>(getter: () => T): ComputedRef<T>
export function computed<T>(
options: WritableComputedOptions<T>
): WritableComputedRef<T>
export function computed<T>(
getterOrOptions: (() => T) | WritableComputedOptions<T>
): any {
const isReadonly = isFunction(getterOrOptions)
const getter = isReadonly
? (getterOrOptions as (() => T))
: (getterOrOptions as WritableComputedOptions<T>).get
const setter = isReadonly
? __DEV__
? () => {
console.warn('Write operation failed: computed value is readonly')
: (getterOrOptions as WritableComputedOptions<T>).set
let dirty = true
let value: T
const runner = effect(getter, {
lazy: true,
// mark effect as computed so that it gets priority during trigger
computed: true,
scheduler: () => {
dirty = true
的實際效果,我們來複習一下 code,如下。
可以發現 options.lazy
只要為 true
export function effect(
fn: Function,
options: ReactiveEffectOptions = EMPTY_OBJ
): ReactiveEffect {
if ((fn as ReactiveEffect).isEffect) {
fn = (fn as ReactiveEffect).raw
const effect = createReactiveEffect(fn, options)
if (!options.lazy) {
return effect
回到 computed,當 expect(cValue.value).toBe(undefined)
被執行時就會執行到此 getter function get value()
,而此時 dirty
為 true
時,runner 就會啟動,也就是 effect 就會開始進行蒐集依賴的動作。
蒐集依賴的方法上一章已經有提到,理論上就是 push activeReactiveEffectStack
、 run getter
、 pop activeReactiveEffectStack
這時候 expect(cValue.value).toBe(undefined)
執行完後,蒐集到了 value
這個 reactiveObject ,蒐集依賴的工作就告一段落。
const runner = effect(getter, {
lazy: true,
// mark effect as computed so that it gets priority during trigger
computed: true,
scheduler: () => {
dirty = true
return {
[refSymbol]: true,
// expose effect so computed can be stopped
effect: runner,
get value() {
if (dirty) {
value = runner()
dirty = false
// When computed effects are accessed in a parent effect, the parent
// should track all the dependencies the computed property has tracked.
// This should also apply for chained computed properties.
return value
set value(newValue: T) {
所以目前只要 value.foo = 1
這個 statement 被執行,觸發依賴就會啟動
,也就是先前講過的 trigger function
看到 addRunners 這個 function 上,如果 effect 為 computed 就會將此 effect 加入 computedRunners Set 上,這是為了之後的 computedRunners 可以比一般的 effects 還要先執行,為什麼要這樣做呢?
因為當一般的 effect 需要使用到 computedObject 的任何資訊時,必須先讓 computedObject 中的 dirty 為 true,也就是優先跑 scheduler function
,這樣才能確保 effect 在後面跑的時候拿到的 computedObject 資訊是最新的。
export function trigger(
target: any,
type: OperationTypes,
key?: string | symbol,
extraInfo?: any
) {
const depsMap = targetMap.get(target)
if (depsMap === void 0) {
// never been tracked
const effects = new Set<ReactiveEffect>()
const computedRunners = new Set<ReactiveEffect>()
if (type === OperationTypes.CLEAR) {
// collection being cleared, trigger all effects for target
depsMap.forEach(dep => {
addRunners(effects, computedRunners, dep)
} else {
// schedule runs for SET | ADD | DELETE
if (key !== void 0) {
addRunners(effects, computedRunners, depsMap.get(key))
// also run for iteration key on ADD | DELETE
if (type === OperationTypes.ADD || type === OperationTypes.DELETE) {
const iterationKey = Array.isArray(target) ? 'length' : ITERATE_KEY
addRunners(effects, computedRunners, depsMap.get(iterationKey))
const run = (effect: ReactiveEffect) => {
scheduleRun(effect, target, type, key, extraInfo)
// Important: computed effects must be run first so that computed getters
// can be invalidated before any normal effects that depend on them are run.
function addRunners(
effects: Set<ReactiveEffect>,
computedRunners: Set<ReactiveEffect>,
effectsToAdd: Set<ReactiveEffect> | undefined
) {
if (effectsToAdd !== void 0) {
effectsToAdd.forEach(effect => {
if (effect.computed) {
} else {
離題了,這裡追蹤完後的結果, value.foo = 1
跑完之後,就會讓 cValue 的 dirty = true,那麼接下來的 expect(cValue.value).toBe(1)
這一行就會讓 cValue getter function
這個 Test Case 就可以告一段落了。
Computed Chained#
但如果牽扯到 computed chained 呢?
下面的 code 可以顯示出 c2 -> c1 -> value
的依賴關係,而 computed 的依賴建立只要記住一句話,都是由 getter function
開始蒐集,此例也就是 c2.value
,此時就會執行 computedObject 中的 runner,由於這裡比較複雜,我用簡單的文字表達。
push c2, activeReactiveEffectStack => [ c2 ]
c2 run fn // which is c1.value + 1
push c1, activeReactiveEffectStack => [ c2, c1 ]
c1 run fn // which is value.foo
value 依賴於 activeReactiveEffectStack top // 也就是 c1
pop c1, activeReactiveEffectStack => [ c2 ]
c1 run trackChildRun,將 activeReactiveEffectStack top 也就是 c2 依賴於 c1 的所有依賴
pop c2, activeReactiveEffectStack => []
就足以讓 c1
與 c2
更新 dirty 為 true,了,所以不管 expect(c2.value).toBe(2)
與 expect(c1.value).toBe(1)
it('should work when chained', () => {
const value = reactive({ foo: 0 })
const c1 = computed(() => value.foo)
const c2 = computed(() => c1.value + 1)
function trackChildRun(childRunner: ReactiveEffect) {
const parentRunner =
activeReactiveEffectStack[activeReactiveEffectStack.length - 1]
if (parentRunner) {
for (let i = 0; i < childRunner.deps.length; i++) {
const dep = childRunner.deps[i]
if (!dep.has(parentRunner)) {
### [](https://hackmd.io/ZfQArpjoQ8GrGqCABYpPpQ?view#Triggered-effect-when-chained "Triggered-effect-when-chained")Triggered effect when chained
接下來來講一個當一般的 effect 依賴於 computed 時會發生什麼事情。
以此例來說,這時候的依賴為 `effect -> c2 -> c1 -> value`,effect 因為不是 lazy 所以會直接 run,以下直接用先前的文字順序表達
1. `push effect, activeReactiveEffectStack => [ effect ]`
2. `effect run fn // which is dummy = c2.value`
3. `push c2, activeReactiveEffectStack => [ effect, c2 ]`
4. `c2 run fn // which is c1.value + 1`
5. `push c1, activeReactiveEffectStack => [ effect, c2, c1 ]`
6. `c1 run fn // which is value.foo`
7. `value 依賴於 activeReactiveEffectStack top // 也就是 c1`
8. `pop c1, activeReactiveEffectStack => [ effect, c2 ]`
9. `c1 run trackChildRun,將 activeReactiveEffectStack top 也就是 c2 依賴於 c1 的所有依賴`
10. `pop c2, activeReactiveEffectStack => [ effect ]`
11. `c2 run trackChildRun,將 activeReactiveEffectStack top 也就是 effect 依賴於 c2 的所有依賴 (而又此時 c2 擁有 c1 的所有依賴,所以也就是 c1, c2 兩者的所有依賴`
12. `pop effect, activeReactiveEffectStack => []`
這時候就很簡單了,dummy 在 12 行當然會是 1, `getter1` 與 `getter2` 也都執行一次,接著 value.foo++ ,觸發了三個依賴者 `effect` 、 `c2` 、 `c1`,而當然 `computedRunners` 與 `effects` 都是集合,所以必定只會執行一次,也都會觸發各自的 function,這個 Test Case 就完成了。
it('should trigger effect when chained', () => {
const value = reactive({ foo: 0 })
const getter1 = jest.fn(() => value.foo)
const getter2 = jest.fn(() => {
return c1.value + 1
const c1 = computed(getter1)
const c2 = computed(getter2)
let dummy
effect(() => {
dummy = c2.value
// should not result in duplicate calls
這樣就可以解釋所有 computed 的情況是多麼複雜與艱辛,但困難的還在後頭,之後這個系列的文章會慢慢地往 core 或是 virtual-dom 的地方邁進。